
Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe

Die Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe (HfG) wurde am 15. April 1992 eröffnet. Sie wurde gemeinsam mit dem Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie in Karlsruhe während der Jahre 1989 bis 1992 von Prof. Dr. Heinrich Klotz gegründet.

Diese einmalige Verbindung von Lehr-, Forschungs- und Ausstellungsinstitutionen entspricht der neuen künstlerischen und pädagogischen Aufgabe, die traditionellen Künste auf die Medientechnologie und die elektronischen Herstellungsverfahren zu beziehen.

Das Programm der Hochschule ist nicht auf bestimmte Tendenzen und Richtungen in der Praxis und der Theorie der Künste festgelegt. Pluralistische Offenheit ist die Basis des Lernens und Lehrens an der Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe.

Im Rahmen einer umfassenden Hochschul-Evaluation wurde das ausgezeichnete Ausbildungskonzept und das außergewöhnliche Studienangebot, mit dem sich die HfG als leistungsstarke Lehr- und Forschungsstätte etablieren konnte, bestätigt.

Gewürdigt wurden die moderne Organisationsstruktur der Hochschule, sowie die zahlreichen Kooperation mit internationalen Bildungseinrichtungen, ganz besonders aber mit dem benachbarten ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie.

Future Design Institute e.V.

The Future Design Institute e.V., an association founded in 2018 and located in Ettlingen Baden-Württemberg, participates in the promotion of new emerging technologies and their dissemination and assimilation by a wide audience through the work of professionals. As its central mission, it will serve as a laboratory and observatory for the arts, science and new applications of the latest digital technologies, thus promoting the role of people in anticipating social change and making democratically accessible the technologies of the future to people around the world.


We develop innovative 3D HD-systems for future markets. We support our customers at the highest level with many years of production experience. We offer solutions in the areas of entertainment, advertising, documentation, research & development, industry and medicine. is dedicated to contemporary art. We observe aesthetic and social situations in the context of artistic works and examine their references with the help of digital processes. Since 2012, we have been recording the public presence of artists in databases. Our work on Text Mining is intended as an experimental field for intermedial research. We have also documented's first investigations into applications of artificial intelligence in the field of image and text.

Fraunhofer Institute

The Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute is the initiator of the 3D Innovation Center and responsible for its set-up and organization. Innovations for the digital future are at the heart of research and development work carried out by the Heinrich Hertz Institute. The focus is on developing the principles of information technology and to demonstrate new applications for new products in partnership with the industry. The core competences of HHI are in the areas of Photonic Networks and Systems, Mobile Broadband Systems, Photonic Components and Electronic Imaging.


The 3IT Berlin offers the worldwide unique opportunity of working together in a pre-competitive environment to develop a new industry sector. A platform of some 600 m2 is open to all players as a place where they can build contacts, test products and systems and make joint presentations to a variety of diverse target audiences. New synergies are generated by the availability of a profusion of know how covering the whole 3D system chain – from product development, marketing and sales to positioning in the market and the public eye. 

The 3IT Berlin offers:

  • Showroom for products, prototypes and ideas
  • 3D Live Studio and3D Cinema
  • Development platform and testbed for 3D technologies, applications and infrastructures
  • Communication platform and marketing instruments
  • Resource pool of experts, know how, market and target group data

Planet Film- und Fernsehproduktion GmbH

Planet Film- und Fernsehproduktion GmH was founded in 2001 by Gülsel Özkan and Ludger Pfanz in Ettlingen near Karlsruhe, Germany. After ten years of working together on the production of numerous prize-winning documentary films and TV features, they began to produce feature films as well in 2002.

In their work they mainly focus on social, environmental, multicultural and intercultural issues for the European and international markets.

CyberForum e.V.

With more than 1,200 members, CyberForum e.V. is the largest in Europe. From startups to international corporations, research institutions and universities: CyberForum brings them all together. A networking platform with the direct connection to competence, business contacts and career prospects.


MediLive realises successfully 3D productions since 1994. Our experience ranges from video- and live recording to mixing and presentation techniques. With our 3D department Invistra we develop stereoscopic hard- and software, like the multiplexer A100 and an applet software which makes high quality 3D online viewing possible.