Florian Dohmann

Artificial Muse - Unplugged

Florian Dohmann ist Gründer und Geschäftsführer von Birds on Mars, einem in Berlin ansässigen Unternehmen, das für Organisationen Strategien, Räume, Teams und Applikationen an den Verbindungslinien von künstlicher und menschlicher Intelligenz entwickelt. Florian ist Experte für Daten, Künstliche Intelligenz & Digitale Transformation, Technologe & Künstler aus Berlin. Als Berater agiert er branchenübergreifend und unterstützt Kunden beim Aufbau nachhaltiger Daten- und KI-Fähigkeiten. Er ist Data Science Professional, IBM-Zögling, Keynote-Speaker, Gastdozent an verschiedenen Universitäten und Partner im Berliner Unternehmernetzwerk katapult:now. Zudem ist er Teil des Künstlerkollektivs YQP NYC/Berlin. In ihrer künstlerischen Arbeit erforschen sie den menschlichen Wert in unserer digitalen Welt und verschmelzen Technologie mit interaktivem Storytelling.

URL: www.floriandohmann.com
Twitter: @floriandohmann


Artificial Muse - Unplugged

The painter Roman Lipski, the artist collective YQP and the company Birds on Mars present the birth of an artificial muse: An AI system that inspires, provokes, and challenges a painter through the mechanisms of science and technology. It is the first true partnership between a painter and artificial intelligence.

Over the course of two years, machine and painter were in a constant intellectual dialogue. The machine’s impact on the artist is inevitable. Through the course of the project, Roman Lipski’s artistic language has fully transformed and has left him perpetually exploring uncharted ways to express himself. It has become a machine in search of diversity, inspiration, and transformation.

Like the invention of the camera helped artists to explore new perspectives, artificial intelligence can ultimately introduce a new art with endless possibilities. The constant interaction between Lipski and his digital muse not only creates a new creative language, but also a new artist. The "Inspirational AI" - in contrast to „creative AI" - reflects the future cooperation between man and machine.

Roman Lipski and Florian Dohmann (YQP + Birds on Mars) present the idea of an AI-muse, which can not only be used artistically, but also finds its way into other creative business areas. What if we could redefine how we collaborate, communicate and co-create with intelligent services and devices?

An accompanying exhibition of selected paintings resulting from the dialogue between artist and AI visualizes the core of the conceptual art, which is based on infinite inspiration.

Short teaser video about the project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frMCM5q1-N8